Cameroon bans reports on President Biya’s health

Interior Minister Paul Atanga Nji told regional governors that these stories “disturb the tranquillity of Cameroonians”. BBC | The Cameroonian authorities have banned the media from discussing the health of President Paul Biya, following rumours of his death. Interior Minister Paul Atanga Nji told regional governors that these stories “disturb the tranquillity of Cameroonians”. “Any…

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Was Bruce Willis right? Could a nuclear blast save us from killer asteroid?

Scientists simulated a nuclear explosion using x-ray pulses to push an asteroid-like rock away in space-like conditions. It’s been almost 25 years since Bruce Willis, playing the fictional character Harry Stamper in the blockbuster movie, Armageddon, saved Earth from an asteroid careering towards the planet. In true Hollywood fashion, he did this by detonating a…

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The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awards the 2024 Nobel Prize in chemistry to David Baker, Demis Hassabis and John Jumper [Jonathan Nackstrand/AFP]

Baker, Jumper, Hassabis win Nobel Prize in chemistry for work on proteins ‘They cracked the code’; laureates hailed for revealing proteins’ secrets through computing and artificial intelligence. Scientists David Baker, John Jumper and Demis Hassabis have won the 2024 Nobel Prize in chemistry for their work on proteins, the building blocks of life that are…

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