Writing stories for posterity: A journalist’s day

Dull. Silent. Seemingly challenged for inspiration!
A Tuesday like any other, but it felt different that day. A feeling of total disgust and resentment of the air of laziness had overcome my very being. I didn’t know if anyone had ever felt it. I attended a few thought-provoking meetings that morning and believe that was when conception took place.

Sudden. Slowly, but deliberately with the absolute patience of a leopard stalking an expectant antelope, the idea took shape. As if my emotions were the vulnerable expectant antelope that can’t gallop away from the leopard’s clutches, an all-engrossing feeling ate away at my consciousness. Lazy shouldn’t be in reference to a writer!

Her eyes! I could see it in her eyes as well. Hunger to do it. Hunger to consume… whole! But it wasn’t food, no. Yes, she was fasting, but this was a different hunger. With deliberate and well-crafted words she clicked and ‘clacked’ and typed away. Her thoughts became one with the black and loosely heavy box we call a laptop.
That is how fever-pitched with intense concentration my editor can drift off! She was working on a story that was breaking. Her hunch was right. A gut feeling my ‘ED’ says is inherent in every journalist.

Gazing at her, eyes narrowing every so often, eyebrows furrowed. Her posture was calm in stark indifference to a tumultuous thought process that must be turbulently yet meticulously seeking out the right words.

It was as though a drop of bright vibrant orange colour had spilt on my medulla oblongata, wiping away the crude and plain grey in that area. A grey seemingly devoid of life, only reminiscent of life taken away. In contrast, I dorn a charming smile, reflecting that I haven’t called my brain so fondly in a while. I feel as though the vivid and bright orange is spreading like ink in a glass of crystal clear water.

At that moment I was convinced. In recollection, it was heartwarming and I was convicted for devotion. A strong pull, strong and amicable resolution in my gut.

She was done now. She was uploading to share a list of radios that shall be switched off by the Uganda Communications Commission on the 29th April 2022. I patiently watch the upload progress… 21%… 43%… 74%… then complete!

Yet another story was uploaded to the LBS NewsDay website (www.lbs.co.ug) and is now visible to the whole world. Her role as a curator of the annals of history is further cemented as a little bit of history is added for posterity.

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