Electronic case management system to commence next month

Kampala – The Judiciary has announced that come 1st March, 2022, courts will go live with the Electronic Court Case Management Information System (ECCMIS), a flagship program designed to fight case backlog and quicken the delivery of justice.


ECCMIS will among other things enable e-Filling of cases, checking case status online, e-Payment of court fees and fines and supports SMS and Email alerts to parties to a case.


According to Sarah Langa, the Chief Registrar of the Uganda Judiciary, kiosks with trained staff in e-case management have been stationed at courts to help litigants free of charge.

“This system has a total of 14 functionalities and features one of them is that it is providing for e-Filling and this has so many benefits one of them is our users are going to reduce on paper load, there will be reduced human interactions which has been fueling corruption as well as solve the issue of loss of files.” She said while addressing the media in Kampala on Thursday


Dr.  Pius Bigirimana, the Secretary to the Judiciary remarked that the system will be piloted in seven courts including the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, Anti Corruption court, Commercial Court, Land Division Court, Civil Division Court and Mengo Chief Magistrates Court.


He says after implementation of the phase one, the system will gradually be rolled out to other courts across the country.



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