Uganda gets maiden UN peace Ambassador

Kampala-The International Association of World Peace Advocates (IAWPA), a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) affiliated to the United Nations (UN) has appointed Apostle Dr. Livingstone Banjagala as the Eminent Peace Ambassador to Uganda.

Dr Banjagala, the presiding bishop of City Harvest International Churches will also double as the Country Director for this association in Uganda.

His appointment on Sunday coincided with an occasion to flag off the Africa Peace Back Campaign to mark the United Nations Charter Day that is commemorated every 26th day of June.

Speaking at the event held in Kampala, the World Peace spokesperson H. E. Dr Emmanuel Nkweke said Dr Banjagala was honored with the Award of International Eminent Peace Ambassador in recognition of his effort in promoting peace in Uganda, supporting the widows, less privileged persons and the government of Uganda for good governance.

On his part, Dr Banjagala welcomed the appointment and pledged his commitment to promoting peace and harmonious living among the citizenry.

Banjagala is by this appointment expected to participate in all UN events with in and outside Uganda with his first appearance at the UN high level political forum on sustainable development billed for 5th July 2022 at the UN headquarters in New-York.

H.E. Apostle Dr. Livingstone Banjagala, the Eminent Peace Ambassador to Uganda addressing press in Kampala over the weekend.

Among those that graced the occasion were other peace Ambassadors world over including H. E. Sammy David from Liberia, H. E. Samuel Ben Owusu from Ghana, H. E. Archbishop Cynthia Josephson from Nigeria, H. E. Richard Okere from Dubai, H. E. Bishop Oskar Emeka from Nigeria and the World Peace spokesperson H. E. Dr Emmanuel Nkweke.

International Association of World Peace Advocates (IAWPA) is a global non-governmental organization affiliated to the United Nations Global Compact. Its objective is to promote peace and harmony in various local communities across the globe and to ensure that the aims and objectives of the United Nations in the maintenance of global peace is being achieved.

The association is a body of concerned global citizens whose interest is to promote universal peace, just and inclusive society within the United Nations to ensure that all classes of people in our society are carried along on the schemes, programs and policies of the United Nations.

It networks international and regional organizations and recruits people of decent ethical manner as UN Eminent Peace Ambassador through effective screening of nominations with special regards granted to personalities whose effort are evident in making peace and providing benevolence to orphanage children, widows and the elderly.

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