Dokolo District Calls for Education conference to Address Poor Performance.

By Ebalu Haman

In today’s fast-paced world, education plays a crucial role in shaping the future of individuals and society as a whole. It is the foundation on which we build our knowledge, skills, and abilities. However, despite the efforts made by various stakeholders to improve the education system, Dokolo district has been facing challenges in achieving satisfactory academic performance.

In light of this, the Chief Administrative Officer of Dokolo Richard Madete has called for an education conference to discuss the issue and find effective solutions to avert poor performance. 

In his letter dated February 12, Madete invited different stakeholders including MPs, school administrators, development partners, and government officials among others to attend the education conference scheduled for February 22nd at Dokolo Technical Institute so that they are able to share their knowledge, experiences, and research findings.

The primary goal of this meeting is to identify the root causes of poor academic performance in the district and devise ways to address them effectively.

According to Madete, the decision is a step in the right direction and reflects the district’s commitment to providing quality education to its school going children.

The education conference is an excellent opportunity to examine the district’s education policies and identify areas for improvement.

Since its establishment in July 2006, Dokolo district has consistently ranked among the bottom districts nationwide in Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE) performance. 

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